Set up a promo offer for your master account
You can set up one or more promo offers for your master account and offer potential investors to subscribe to your account with discounted fee plans.
Main menuA promo offer associates a promo code with the fee plan that offers investors more favorable conditions than the default plan when they subscribe to your master account.
To set up a promo offer for a master account:
1. For copy-trading master accounts, go to Copy Trading → My Accounts.
For MAM master accounts, go to MAM → My Accounts.
2. Select a master account for which you want to set up a promo offer.
3. To go to the account details, click the account login displayed at the top of the account card.
4. On the Account Details page, go to Settings.
5. In the Promo Offers section, click +Add new offer.
6. In the Add new offer dialog box, fill in the following fields:
- In the Name field, enter the promo offer name.
- In the Promo code field, enter the promo code. It may be a combination of letters, numbers, or both.
- Set up the fee plan for the promo offer. This plan is displayed to investors after entering the promo code when subscribing to your master account.
Refer to Fee list to learn more about the available fees that can be included in the fee plan.
7. Click Add to save the promo offer.
To copy the promo code assigned to the created promo offer, click Copy code.
Modify or delete an existing promo offer
1. To modify the promo offer, click
2. To remove the promo offer, click